Blogit kirjoittajalta David Goddard Näytä kaikki blogitBloggaajat
Laura Vargas (10)
Pentti Sydänmaanlakka (30)
Susanna Rahkamo (14)
Marita Hänninen (7)
David Goddard (5)
Mauno Tirkkonen (7)
Juha Hynynen (11)
Abdi Jama (2)
Miko Pietilä (1)
Aarne Kiviniemi (3)
Pekka Jääskö (1)
Raimo Kekkonen (1)
Juha Martikainen (4)
Henri Karjula (1)
Eeva Tikkanen (1)
Are there some common challenges faced by leaders all around the world? Last year we facilitated leadership development programmes in diverse locations in Europe and the Middle East, in the USA and Asia, and finally in East Africa, giving a great platform to ask company leaders about their challenges. And to ask myself, what do they have in common?
Can Intelligent Leadership be exported? Reading Abdi Jama’s inspiring blog last month,My Journey to Pertec, I was reminded of what was on my mind 8 years ago when I started my own Pertec journey. How well would an approach to leadership, born in the far North of Europe, work in other cultures?
Self-leadership is the topic that provokes the strongest reaction on Pertec seminars. There are tears more often than not. "It’s pretty heavy to think just about yourself for many hours", commented one participant last week. But why is that so? Why do many people spend more time on keeping their car in good working order, than they invest in their own service and maintenance?
Early in 2006 I read a Microsoft white paper predicting that “Political and economic dynamics are forging a single global market, a global workforce, global customers, partners, and suppliers”. This global workforce would collaborate across time zones, organizations and firewalls in “A Single World of Business.” I wondered if the workspace becomes a single global entity, would this mean that working habits, management patterns and leadership styles would also become global? Will there really be one world of work?
Just sitting down to write my first ever blog post after considering it for eight years (Hamlet was a pretty quick decision-maker really) when I get a Skype message, an email alert pops up and the phone rings. The phone? Who uses the phone anymore? In an article in the August issue of Wired magazine, Clive Thompson writes: "We''''''''re moving… toward a fascinating cultural transition: the death of the telephone call." The average number of phone calls we make every year is dropping and our calls are getting shorter
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